Thursday, June 7, 2012

Time Flies

Well, I officially stink at posting. I wish I didn't, but I do.

I guess the lack of posting is directly related to the lack of interesting things happening in our lives to post about. It seems to me like life just keeps plugging along, and we go along with it.

Soon after I wrote the last post, I found out I was going to have to leave my current school. After a lot of drama, and frustration, I applied for a job at Cottonwood Elementary and got it. I will be staying in 5th grade, and working with a teacher that I had as a 5th grader for science. It's weird to think that I will be teaching at the same elementary I went to. But I am excited all the same.

Steve graduated in May. He's currently look for a job to give him some more medical experience hours. Cross your fingers.

My brother got married the same day Steve graduated. It ended up being a crazy day, but I am SO happy for my brother and new sister in law Lindsay. (Yes, her name is Lindsay. Not to be confused with my sister Lindsay. And her parents are Bruce and Becky, not to be confused with MY parents Bruce and Becky. Small world huh?)

I successfully survived my first year of teaching. It was harder than I thought it would be to say goodbye to the school that gave me my start. I learned so much, and am excited to use what I've learned to make next year even better.

So far in the 4 days of summer I have experienced I have had this weird anxious feeling, like there's something I should be doing. I guess it is the feeling you get when you've worked hard all school year, and can laze about for the summer without a job. Hopefully that feeling will go away as we get more busy with our summer plans. On Monday I leave for Paris and London with my mom and sisters, and Steve goes to the U.S. Open in San Francisco with my Dad and brother. It will be the first time we've spent so long apart, but we're both excited for our separate adventures. Hopefully by the end of our adventures, we'll have something amusing to share.