My mind has been reeling lately. I feel very behind on lots of things, including my blog and right now I should be catching up. Unfortunately, I cannot bring myself to to do it. So instead I feel like sharing a few things that have been on my mind.
I married into an amazing family. When Steve and I got engaged, I was very intimidated by his family. I had no grounds to feel this way, other than that I wanted them to like me. Now I see how silly I was to feel that way. They are the most loving and kind people I know. I have been overwhelmed with the love and support we have been given. Steve's family goes to extremes to support each other, even when they have their own burdens to bear. I so admire his parents, and their desire to help their children succeed. I want to be like his siblings because of their concern for each other. His nieces and nephews are adorable, and never fail to make me smile.
I was raised by parents that cared about my education. I know this, because of how involved they were at my school. My mom was on every committee, my dad was at every play, music recital and class event. Even with all of us graduated now, my parents can still be found at foundation meetings, on school re-build committees and in my mom's case, sewing up a storm for the drama department. As I am student teaching, I am learning how crucial a parent's involvement in their child's classroom is. Because of their examples, I CARE about my education. Heck, I would say it's one of the reasons I want to be a teacher. They have inspired me to help my students to care about their education too.
My husband loves me. This may seem simple, but I honestly believe it's one of the reasons I'm lucky. I've noticed recently how he and I love each other more every day. And even though that doesn't seem possible sometimes, each day I'm surprised because it grows even more. The best thing about it is that I'm sure that it will be this way forever.
I have a knowledge of Heavenly Father's love for me. I know he's watching over me and those I care about. I know that even though I don't always like what he has in store for me, I know that I'll overcome whatever challenges come my way because he wouldn't send them if he didn't think I could handle them.
Sorry it's sappy, but it's as close to how I feel as I can say. I'm just really, really lucky.
You are also lucky to have a SWEET AWESOME little sis, who does Zumba moves for you and ALWAYS laughs at your jokes...Just sayin'! I would say I am PRETTY DARN lucky to have you!